Monday, May 7, 2012

Chicken Saga

so I have now started thinking of raising meat chickens to sell as freerange organic.  i had fifty shipped to my house from texas and when they arrived we had sixteen non living.  within two days we had lost thirtyseven.  the hatchery replaced the loss and i regained some confidence in my ability to not kill chicks.  the birds did well and then were moved out to their skid house.  two coyote attacks later we ar down to twentyone chicks.  this has definitely been a tough start and very trying on my confidence.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

chickens on the loose

So my partner I have moved to a fixer upper of a rental home.  The fact that we are paying rent while others in combination with the two of us are working to make the house livable and look decent kind of sounds ridiculous.  However, the house is on 5 acres, the landlord is very understanding, and we are able to knock off $100 in rent per month for the foreseeable future.  Lets not forget that we now have 5 acres to play with as well.  This means the original chickens are very happy and that we can now have quite a few more....  Not sure exactly what the few more looks like right now but the hope is to sell some eggs and maybe even some whole dressed birds.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

End of the year is ending... soonish

The end is near, that is of the quarter, year, and crazy amounts of running around for holidays.  I will just be glad when the school quarter is over.  My professors keep moving due dates back and forth and back and forth.  Its enough to make a not incredibly sane person go coo koo.  Finally have a job though and can't wait for the first check.  It most likely will be a few moments to late but at least it will get here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well school is going ok, no job as of yet.  That is a little stressful but I am trying to be ok with looking and applying for jobs.  I do feel strange after being on the east coast for two weeks and coming back to full time school.  Not sure if I am just anxious or what, but I don't seem to be myself this week and my girl is a little put off by it.  Also just testing an embedded link in this post that wont make much sense.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Wedding season down

It is finally over, wooo hooo,  I made it and will not be going to another wedding in the near future.  I really am thinking of just boycotting the next year of weddings if any pop up.  They just seem silly, I mean why do couples feel the need to go in debt and attempt to force their friends and family to spend tons of money supporting this poor decision.  Not saying that all weddings are that bad, some are great at getting all sorts of friends together without having them spend thousands of dollars.  To those folks I thank you but to the others at least you may never have to ask me to do that again. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

wedding season

So it has been a little while since my last post and I would like to blame the weddings for this delay.  Two weddings and two bachelors parties down, two weddings to go.  I feel like I would like to make this my last summer of flying out of state for weddings.  They are great and fun but in the end I feel like I don't really get much quality time with the bride or groom and they are stressed the whole time.  Obviously this is not universal but it is very common.  My solution to this situation is replying to any invites with a promise to come and visit the newlyweds within a year for a few days of relaxation and enjoyment.  This seems like a win win for all involved.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wed Night

So sitting around the kitchen talking girl talk with the roomies.  Kinda weird to her the female take on trying to date a new boy.  Lots of what did he say and I feel he will... along with some hopes.  I have a little vino to get me by with some help from my GF's ass gas.  GF's B-day on Friday and I am getting nervous about my inadequate b-day planning.  Cross your fingers that everything works out well and she doesn't cry if she wants to.